Miniserver Compact

The Miniserver Compact serves as the central control unit for all automated functions in a smart building. It includes integrated interfaces for Loxone Link, Air, Tree and Tree Turbo that are used to expand with numerous devices. The Miniserver also has built-in Audioserver capabilities. In compact size, it minimizes space required for installation yet maximizes possibilities for larger scale buildings such as hotels.


24VDC power supply
Loxone Link or Tree (switchable in the software) with up to 30 Extensions or 50 Tree devices
Loxone Tree interface (max. 50 Tree devices)
Loxone Air interface (max. 128 Air devices)
Loxone Tree Turbo (performance interface for audio)
LAN interface
USB interface
SD card
Space requirement: 6 units
4 digital inputs
2x 16A relay outputs (potential-free)


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